Berlin’s media arts community – a female perspective @ supermarkt Berlin

I am talking on April 9 at Supermarkt Berlin with lots of other Berlin media art women about my work in the 15 years I’ve been active. There will be lots of other lovely women presenting so it definitely will be interesting.
Featuring presentations from Tatiana Bazzichelli, Valie Djordjevic, Andrea Goetzke, Kathy Rae Huffman, Claudia Kefer, Julia Kloiber, Lisa Lang, Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen, Diana McCarty & Michelle Thorne. Moderated by Ela Kagel & Michelle O’Brien.[…]
Despite this large female contingent, and in a city where the workforce is generally evenly distributed, it is at odds that the theoretical discourse on media art and net activism, executive roles and directorships, as well panelists and participants at events and festivals, are still male-dominated. In a forward-thinking city like Berlin, this ongoing gap should be addressed so that the wider fields of media arts and activism are fully inclusive of the multitude of female skills and viewpoints on offer.[…]
This evening will provide an opportunity to get to know this community, share inspirations, identify trending themes in the field, and gauge both common resources and grounds for future collaborations – all in an informal, conversational setting. Whilst the focus of this event will be on the diversity of Berlin’s female media art community, anyone is invited to attend.