Transmediale Closing Weekend 2017

Agent Ruby Screenshot

I was invited by Daphne Dragona to speak at the closing event of the transmediale festival in the panel “Technology Languages of the Past, Present, and Future” and presented my readings on Lynn Hershman’s work “Agent Ruby” and her film “Technolust” with the wonderful Tilda Swinton.

I am working on writing down my talk – so check this space.

04.03.2017, 13:00–16:30, Studio, Hybrid Event
Technology Languages of the Past, Present, and Future
With Friederike Anders, Florian Cramer, Valie Djordjevic, Manon Kahle, Rotraut Pape, Caspar Stracke
Moderated by Daphne Dragona, Kristoffer Gansing, Florian Wüst

